We welcome any potential new members to our organization. Membership in the Bay of Quinte Branch of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada is available to all descendants of Loyalists as well as those who simply have a common interest in Canadian history, especially of the Loyalist era, and support the aims and purposes of the Association.
Once you join as a MEMBER of the Branch, you become a member of the parent United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada. As a member, you will receive copies of our newsletter The Quinte Loyalist Muster, plus two yearly issues of the Loyalist Gazette. You will also be eligible to attend branch meetings and events, and take part in all business and voting at the Branch level.
The current annual fees for membership in the Bay of Quinte Branch are as follows:
$55 per year for an individual,
$70 for a family (at the same mailing address)
$28.00 for students (please give proof of school/college/university status)
$15 for members who are joining from another UEL Branch.
The membership fee is for the calendar year, but for new members joining after July 1st, the fees are halved for the first year.
To obtain your UEL CERTIFICATE, you must be able to fully document descent from a United Empire Loyalist ancestor. Once approved, a certificate suitable for framing is presented to the applicant as proof of descent.
For more information on how to get your certificate click UELCertificate Information.
All membership inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
To obtain our membership registration form click on UELmembershipForm2020
To join our organization, you may make a cheque made payable to “Bay of Quinte Branch UEL” and send along with the UEL membership form to our membership secretary:
Janet Eggleton,
Box 647
Stirling, Ontario
K0K 3E0